The more you love the more you lose. The more you lose the more you learn. The more you learn the more you love. You cannot lose. Life is the school; love is the lesson. ~Kate

Pawprints from Heaven
In this book, as with the others in the Pet Loss Series, Jack will help you to heal as you turn each page. He is the spokesman for all animals on the other side of Rainbow Bridge. Don’t let the fun cover fool you! This is a serious journey and Jack hopes to open your mind, heal your heart, and empower you with the supportive evidence of Spirituality, Science, Philosophy, and various Holy Books. If you have an ounce of faith, he will be successful. There is a Well-Designed life after death where loved ones are living a vibrant afterlife…in a place where life never ends and where love never dies.
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There are two sides to a border. In this story one side is American, one side is Mexican. Continual threats from illicit activities permeate both sides with issues of illegal immigration and drug and human trafficking. She sees it as a heaven, he sees it as a hell. She is a budding attorney from New York; he is a photojournalist fleeing the Mexican drug cartel. Destiny brings the two together in the Mexico - Arizona borderlands of the Sonoran Desert.
Follow the romance of soulmates Sarah and Benito as they learn from their striking similarities and discover their diverse cultural differences. Witness the faith-filled Mexican woman who is trafficked after a tragic incident at the border. Watch the power of unconditional love soften a hopeless Vietnam veteran vigilante. Listen to the retired Jewish professor who helps the underprivileged south of the US Mexico border. Through a series of synchronistic events, the paths and stories of these people intersect and destiny rules the direction that their lives take.
After 9-11 things changed dramatically at the border. This story is historic fiction, covering the simpler times before the border wall became such an issue and brings us forward into the present day. The people in this inspirational story live on the edge of a political, manmade borderline. A line that crosses through cities and homelands. A line that divides those who are prejudiced from one another but also a line that divides those who love. We discover that a border wall is just one kind of wall. There are political walls of injustice, emotional walls of defensiveness and social walls of discrimination. Join us as we watch the walls come tumbling down when one prioritizes the powers of love, compassion and acceptance. We may not be able to open our borders, but we can open our minds and hearts. Let "The Walls Between Us" open yours! Based on a true story.
"Every day since I’ve been writing this book I grieve for people I never met, people I never knew. They will sell everything short of their soul to make the crossing. And a few will sell their soul…” ~Kate McGahan

A unique and life-changing book for healing Human Grief and Loss.
Author Kate McGahan brings 35 years of clinical hospice experience and end of life social work into this uniquely powerful life --changing book! Kate offers her compassion, empathy and understanding which fill this healing book to the rim with substance, spirituality and love. Her empathy allows her to be the voice throughout the book of the one who is dying. This book was written to help the grieving reader to open their mind and heart to all the possibilities in the afterlife.
Learn to communicate with your loved one in new ways as you work together to get through the grief, keeping the powers of faith and love at the forefront. This book applies to anyone grieving the loss of a spouse, partner, parent, child, family member, pet or friend, no matter where they are in the dying process. Life is too short and too long to live under the cloud of heavy grief.
There is no “right way” to grieve. There is no “wrong way” to grieve. There is only YOUR way. Empower yourself with the guidance given in this book and you will find your way out of the grief and back into the power of a love that never dies.
Join pet loss expert Jack McAfghan, the world's best 4-legged grief counselor,
on a journey over Rainbow Bridge and back. In the process he guides you through your grief and heals your heart so you can love again.
Written by Kate McGahan, author & intuitive with 35 years
as an end of life hospice clinician.
"Comforting..." "Brilliant!"
"Wonderful Story. Thought-Provoking"
"Fabulous" "Incredible" "Easy Read"
"A book chock full of wisdom and grace. Jack will rock your world and your heart! Anyone who has ever loved will be deeply blessed and touched by Jack's wisdom!"
Maria Dancing Heart, author of "The Last Adventure of Life"
"All the signs are there we simply need to feel and see with our hearts. Do not hesitate to buy this book. It may make you cry but it will also make you laugh and restore your faith in your darkest hour."
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"Another masterpiece by Kate McGahan. This time she took me by the hand and walked me through two worlds: the one we live in now and heaven/the afterlife. As she walked me through both worlds, she interwove them masterfully. I recommend this beautiful spiritual book highly."
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